
Showing posts from May, 2020

Musician - A bargain victim

Musician: A bargain Victim It would be unfair to admst the global pandemic crisis #covid19 but Musicians are the only such people in demand after Doctors and Administration, But unfortunately nobody cares about considering them paid. Nobody dares to ask twice when paying a fee to a doctor, lawyer or even a vegetable seller these days yet musician and music professionals such as music teacher community face a daily challenge of bargain for there services.  No matter of number of amazing experience in the industry, musician and music teacher have always been a victim of this unfortunate testimony. Musicians are often exploited in the name of "Exposure" "Lifetime opportunity" and such useless impractical biased offers.  In my more than 20 years of experience in this music industry, I have been facing this unpleasant hospitality since a long long time. If we leave the silver lining of famous Institutes , celebs and famous p...

Music Theory Applied - Unit 1 Lesson 3 - Time Signature

BLOG : MUSIC THEORY APPLIED Sub Topic: Rhythm and Tempo - Basic  UNIT: 1 Lesson 3 Time Signature In this unit we will study: The measure, Time Signature  There application in songs and musical pieces Practice sheet (free download) Composition Time Signature: A Symbol drawn in the beginning of the music, which shows how many beats are there in a measure.   Measure : A measure is place between two vertical bar lines.   Time signature is written after the clef. The upper number shows the number of beats in a bar, and the bottom number shows the type of beat.  In this picture the upper number 3 shows that there will be 3 beats in a bar, and the bottom number 4 shows each beat will be 1/4th note.  Exercise 1: How many beats are there in the below picture ?  Exercise 2 : What type of beat is in the picture ?   Official teacher for Rock School London, ...

Music Theory Applied - Unit 2 Note Values

Unit 2 :  Note Values In this unit we will study about  Different note values and  Its application.  Practice sheet ( Free Download )  Composition sheet  Semi Breve : Also known as Whole Note, which has value equals to 4 crotchets. Please check the chart.  Minim : Also known as half note , which has value equals to 2 crotchets.  Crotchets: We have already learnt in the previous lesson , check the link below. ( music-theory-applied-rhythm-and-tempo.html ) Quaver: Also known as eighth note , which has a value equals to 1/8th of crotchet. That means 1 crotchet is equals to 2 quavers Semi quaver : Also known as sixteenth note, which has a value equals to 1/16th of crotchets. That means 1 crotchet is equals to 16 semi quavers.   Song analysis:  Lets analyse a song with minims in it For complete score: please check Rockschoolawards (

Music Theory Applied - Rhythm and Tempo

Sub Topic: Rhythm and Tempo - Basic  UNIT: 1 In this unit we will study: The note values  There application in songs and musical pieces Practice sheet (free download) Time values  To understand the topic Rhythm and Tempo it is recommended to first understand the time values.  Take a close observation to your wrist watch or a wall clock ticking. Tic Tok, Tic Tok, Tic Tok, Tic Tok. You will find it very even and regular and we can say it as a steady pulse going on every “Beat” a “Crotchet”. Which will look  something like this                                                                   Tic.            Tok.               Tic.               Tok Just like a...